24 November 2007

Here Comes Santa Claus...

Here comes Santa Claus. Right down Santa Claus way!

blah blah blah.

I love Christmas! I also love decorations. I don't have any. Because I spend all my money on shoes, which are actually decoration if you think hard enough about it.

However, if I did decide to put funds into a new investment, I would get some Santa Stuff!

These cute little suckers are $2.49 for 10 from Ikea! How cute. The good news is they are cheap, bad news is you have to live near an Ikea to get them. Ikea- come to Indiana. Please. Or simply offer everything online. Thanks.

You know what else is important during the holidays? Gift wrapping. So many people spend so much time buying gifts, then they hand it to you all blah looking. Lame. It can be the crappiest gift on earth, ie. can o' nuts, but if you make it pretty someone will feel loved! In Japan, you might hear someone say, "what is a package if it shows no feeling." Well, I'm not Japanese, but I'm with em'.

I had my own gift wrapping company last year... "Santa's Little Helper." That was funny. Boy am I naive.

Moving right along. Here are some thoughts on making a gift special on a budget.

  • get a big roll of brown builders paper (you can get 3ft x 300ft for $11.99-it will last forever). Also, you can buy most solid colors on large rolls for less expensive than decorative rolls. Plus, you can spruce em' up with colorful ribbon & bows.

  • use a sharp contrasting ribbon, twine, or string, ie. red, gold, or green... or go for it- use any color you would like just because it's the holiday's doesn't mean you can't use pink or aqua. (Target has an amazing selection of ribbon) Btw, I suggest fabric ribbon.

  • now, add something special! An ornament, a bell, dried flowers, a candy cane! You could even print your tags with the recipients names on them... cute.

And voila! Your gift will intrigue someone to wonder what's inside.

My advice for the day. Put some thought into it.

22 November 2007

Time to Shop... Again!

Last time I was here, I was not shopping.

Well, I am now. Not shopping is for losers and for people with valuable hobbies.

So, I'm cruising the Internet on Thanksgiving because I actually have time to cruise it. I'm looking at instyle.com and I'm searching for their InStyle Home section, which is a pain to find and quite slow once you do get there... However, they do have some really cool holiday items that are linked to their very cool shopping sites. I'm seeing some deals! How cute is this...

It's a fan! NO... it's a clock! For $52.50. Umbra.com has some really sweet, unique gifts for the anyone and they are super reasonable. I might add that I am really into fixing up the home right now... After two years in my current abode, I'm ready to paint. Yes, it's time.

Here's my disclaimer on the clock/fan. It is actually only a clock. It will not cool you down. But it will make you cooler.

This is what I'd like to call my product of the day. Because today is my first posting of super fly product of the day... I'm going to give everyone TWO cool items and sites to discover!

I know, don't fall out of your seat.

These. My friends are a two in one treat. Not only are they bottle openers, yes, I said bottle/wine openers... they are also parrots. This is what I like to call a little thing called In-no-vation. Say it with me. Innovative. I love them. Just when I thought opening a beer couldn't be more fun, the super fly women (congrats ladies on your new business, I'm proud of you both) of Arbitare prove me wrong. The ultimate in fun is only $49. Ok, I know that $49 for a bottle opener seems steep. But it's NOT just a bottle opener. Parrot. Remember that.

Until the next fun product day... much lovin' from me.

24 June 2007

Day 1- Banned From Shopping & Starbucks.

So, I'm curious just how long this will last. It almost has to though!

While listening to the radio a few weeks back, the dj's were going on and on about how much a person spends at Starbucks every year. I proceeded to calculate my spending at Starbucks and almost threw up when I realized 4% of my annual salary was spent on coffee. I mean, seriously, coffee??? Wow.

I'm also a gal with a bit of debt. Like most other 27 year old girls, I like to shop. I like to eat out, go out, and socialize. Unfortunately, I like doing these things a lot and a I like looking good when doing so. Before I knew it, I was several grand in debt. This is not an easy hole to get out of. Quite frankly, it blows. So... before I blow any more cash that I don't have, I'm taking a vow of celibacy. Alright, I'm still going to have sex. Instead, I'm taking a vow to not shop for umm, uhhhh.... I don't know... 2 mths. I'm not going to lie, this seems like a long long time to not buy anything.

So here's day one. So far so good... I've been cleaning. I'm now trying on all my old clothes to see if there is something I'm missing when I just stare at them blankly in the morning. I don't think I'm missing anything. There's just something about yanking the tags off of a cute new dress. Here's my official list of things I am not allowed to buy for 2 mths:

-no trash magazines
-no clothes
-no accessories
-no shoes
-no starbucks

that last one hurt.

And... every Monday, I will put $20 towards every CC I have a balance on. That's $60/wk. I'm not sure how that will work, but if I'm spending $20/wk at SB and I probably spend $60-$100 clothes, I should be ok.

Wish me luck. I'm already sad.