01 September 2010

A Question. Or a Statement.

I awoke this morning in a lovely hotel room at 4am. I had a throbbing headache and was dying of thirst. So thirsty that I made the ultimate in rash decisions and opened the six-dollar bottle of water on my dresser and chugged the whole thing. At the time, six dollars didn’t seem like much to pay to save my life.
Why so thirsty you ask? Why the headache you wonder? Why the urge to spend six dollars on a bottle of water dear Jill?
It seems that I have developed a bit of a hobby over the years that causes me to have what I believe to be near death experiences — or at least, for that moment in time, I feel like death.
I don’t intend to inflict pain upon myself, nor would I like to die or even feel like it. So what kind of person would choose a hobby that continually causes the same results?
The kind, my friend, who enjoys a good drink (or four) at a time.
I really do like to drink. I really enjoy the taste of wine, beers and most clear alcohols. I don’t mind if I’m doing it alone or with company and I rather enjoy how a frosty mug of beer lightens everyone’s mood.
I like when people’s thoughts become a little loose and flow right out of the mouth without the hesitation. I love listening to comments of those who have turned off the filter of sobriety. Sadly, I believe most things and/or people become more interesting or better looking after one or two or six cocktails.
I mean, who cares if the occasional alcohol drenched evening causes your friends to knock over your neighbors flower-pots because they thought it was your house. Big deal if you ate a burrito from a place you wouldn’t step two inches into sober. I love sleeping in my makeup, dress and heels. I can just pop out of bed and take on the day already dressed and ready to go! And of course I enjoyed grinding with K-feds long lost twin brother at the Mindshaft. He is going to be famous. He said so.
You know, I feel like these things happen all the time.
My hobby is not something that I plan on giving up. Why would you quit something you liked? It’s hard to find a good, easily accessible hobby these days. People are very BUSY. I mean, I have a dog AND a job. When on earth would I find time to do something meaningful with my life?
With all of this said, I am positive that everyone at some point asks themselves if there appears to be a problem. I myself asked this very important question after downing the most expensive bottle of water on earth.
There are so many sources out there for recognizing the signs of alcoholism. This seemed like a very high level and uh, vague view of what those experts might say.  If you want a really good ‘real’ list of alcoholism signs check out this link: http://www.indyaa.org/general/twelve_questions.htm
5 Signs of Alcoholism
Neglect of duties: An alcoholic will continue to neglect other duties or activities.  Things that used to be important to the person will now take a back seat to their opportunity to drink. Like say, in college when you got so wasted the night before Thanksgiving that you didn’t show up until Friday.
Lying: Whether an alcoholic will admit it or not, they will know their drinking is causing problems, and often an alcoholic will begin lying to cover up their drinking.  “No officer I only had two beers. Two delicious Colt 45s”
Lawbreaking: Usually, someone who drinks a lot will start to do dumb things, including getting in trouble with the law. Drinking and driving is not even funny. I refuse to make a joke. You know what IS funny though? Drunken chick fights. That’s what.
Depression: Because alcohol is a depressant, and because an alcoholic feels bad for the hurt they are causing their family, depression is often a problem with alcoholism. OR this is how you feel when you drink too much beer and your favorite skinny jeans no longer fit.
Tolerance: An alcoholic builds up tolerance to alcohol over time, making it necessary for them to drink more and more before getting drunk.  This is totally a wallet drainer. Why would anyone EVER want a high tolerance?
In all seriousness, our social scene is quite conducive to drinking and I think it is OK to have one or two and have a good time. My old boss used to say – 80% of all questions are actually statements. If you’re asking yourself “Do I have a problem?” – you’re very smart and I’m sure you can figure it out on your own – Is it a question or is it a statement?
What happened that made you ask yourself this very question? It’s always nice to know that others have the same struggles- nobody wants to feel alone. AND I’m totally convinced that all the hot guys are hanging at AA these days. Maybe it’s worth a visit? http://www.indyaa.org/.

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